It's About People. Companies Saying Right Wage. Wrong Skill Set.

It's About People. Companies Saying Right Wage. Wrong Skill Set.

By Derek Neighbors on July 11, 2011

AZ Tech Council Notes April 20th, 2010

Finding lots of notes.. Don’t have time to assemble them into full thoughts, but figured would share the raw notes..

  • Dept of commerce reform
  • Wants stability. Is AZ stable?
  • Grow new businesses.. Focus on renewable energy
  • Texas has large job closing fund to recruit companies
  • Need strategic tax code changes HB2250
  • Looking for base industries
  • Talk about R&D tax credit tied to net job creation
  • AZ is a one trick pony
  • AZ angel investment tax credit 65% available

  • Why do we keep doing 1950 economic development? Capital first, then innovation and then people. Yet, companies wanting to be here say that it’s lack of skilled people that keeps them out. What are we doing to invest in people? Keep and attract the best and brightest?

The new economy requires less and less capital infrastructure. By being industry specific we look to be the next Detroit when that industry collapses. Shouldn’t we instead invest in a culture of innovation? So we will always have people working in the next industry?

We need to be starting companies and not solely importing them. The majority of wealth comes back to executives who will provide the private capital of our future.

We need to highlight was is good.