What Makes Gangplank Magical?
By Derek Neighbors, Published on November 5, 2012
Gangplank is a community of creators that fuses family life, civic life, creating and earning a living into this unique blend where anything is possible. The support and tenderness offered is counter balanced by a gruff and forceful exterior making participation daunting to most. Continue Reading
Transform a Relationship, Be Fully Present
By Derek Neighbors, Published on October 15, 2012
People need to be understood that they matter. We are wired to belong. It doesn't matter if it is your spouse, child, employee or coworker every relationship you wish to maintain requires your attention. Most people consider attention to be measured in time. Time is in short supply and high demand in our connected and fast paced world. Continue Reading
Observations, What Is In a Name?
By Derek Neighbors, Published on October 10, 2012
Names are funny. Tone and inflection can make all the difference. Most people don't even bother correcting people when their name is said incorrectly. Close enough is good enough. However, sometimes people get their name so wrong they don't even go by their own name. Continue Reading