Agile Open Southwest Recap

By Derek Neighbors on December 11, 2012

Open Spaces always tend to amaze me. They really are the right people in the right place at the right time. When we kicked off Agile Open Southwest, I was a little bit nervous about what might come out. As always, I was left absolutely amazed. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Finding everyone was a different place on their journey yet still able to be find common ground and learn from one another.

Alan Dayley led a great session on Permission Restriction. What is holding us back?

Jade Meskill helped us articulate what the Phoenix Agile community could look like using Legos.

Roy van de Water helped us discover how we can learn together and what might be holding back internal improvement communities.

I was able to have a frank discussion about excellence and how it can propel us to the next level.

We broke bread together and got to know each other.

Most importantly we were human with other and left encouraged we are not alone in our quest for improvement.

I can’t wait for next year.