When It Comes to Community Building, It is the Small Things
By Derek Neighbors on March 20, 2012
I alternate between listening to podcasts and audiobooks on my travels around Arizona in the car (and RV). I find myself regularly adding new podcasts and removing existing podcasts. My five favorite current podcasts are HBR Ideacast, Story Tellers AZ, Don’t Sell Me Bro, Agile Weekly and Haste. Three of those five happen to be recorded at Gangplank Studios. Which reminds me that I am surrounded by really smart people everyday. That makes me happy. However, this morning it dawned on me that the intro/outro music for some of those podcasts were done by Hepnova and KrysVS. Many are produced by the Spellwight the Podcasting Wench. Just another example of people exchanging talents and raising the boat. The power of a community studio in effect. I can’t wait for the music studio. Maybe it’s just me but it’s the little things in the community that make me happy.
It is easy to get depressed about the lack of vibrancy around Arizona. It can feel hopeless at times. However, if you look at the little things, the moments of clarity and serendipity. Notice the people doing awesome around you. Those struggling, trying and fighting for something better. It makes it all worth it.
I am reminded today the teachings of Lao-tzu, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”. Arizona we have a long way to go, but we definitely walking towards the goal.
In the words of Gary Smalley, “Arizona you are good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you!”