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10 Questions To Ask Ourselves Every Week to Continue Improving

Growth , Leadership

Are you looking to make self-improvements in your life? These 10 questions can help guide your reflection and introspection to better understand your values, strengths, weaknesses, and goals. From identifying what led to your biggest achievements to examining your responses to challenges, these questions can help you better understand yourself and your path towards personal growth. Take a moment to ask yourself these questions and discover what you can learn about yourself and your journey to self-improvement.

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My Daily Standup Is Keeping Me from Being Awesome

Code , Leadership

Discover why traditional daily standups might be holding your team back, and how to make them more effective.

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7 Tips For Getting Value Out of Networking Events

Growth , Leadership , Community

If you are an introvert like me the last thing you want to do is spend time "networking". Even if you are an extrovert your time is valuable and just mingling isn't going to cut the mustard if you want to get any kind of meaningful results. So what is the best strategy when attending an event with intention of networking?

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6 Tips for Scaling A Business

Business , Growth

Building an idea is hard. Turning it into a business is even harder. Scaling that business is another level of hard. This is a list of tips to help you get there.

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Seeking Courage


I struggle with what level of disclosure to give in public forums, because vulnerability is a hard. I don't care for writing and know a path to getting better at something is to do a lot of it. At least that is the excuse I hide behind when it comes to sharing more freely. A while back during a long period of seeking self awareness it became apparent that I didn't really believe in myself very much. Other people believe in me. I believe I am able to get results, but I haven't been able to really believe in me. I was smacked in the face on this topic looking in the mirror and seeing myself over 250 pounds and utterly out of shape and control.

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