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Productivity Wednesday #7 : Use Email to Connect with Potential Followers

Growth , Tech , Community

Looking to build your connectivity on Linked In? Increase your followers on Twitter or Friends on Facebook? Chances are you already communicate with a lot of people via e-mail, but you haven't taken the time to connect with them elsewhere.

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Agile Open Southwest Recap

Code , Community , Growth

Open Spaces always tend to amaze me. They really are the right people in the right place at the right time. When we kicked off Agile Open Southwest, I was a little bit nervous about what might come out. As always, I was left absolutely amazed. It was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Finding everyone was a different place on their journey yet still able to be find common ground and learn from one another.

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Productivity Wednesday #6 : Share Digital Content on Social Media with Buffer

Growth , Tech , Business

If you read a lot of digital content, you should share a lot. The problem is that you probably read in spurts. If you shared in spurts, you would probably annoy your friends. Buffer helps fix that problem.

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Don't Make Your Retrospectives Confusing

Code , Leadership , Growth

If explaining an activity in a retrospective takes more than a minute or two it probably isn't very effective. Don't fall into the trap of making things too complex. Activities shouldn't be complicated they should be fluid. Giving participants too many options and being unclear with instructions makes it difficult to fluid with sharing thoughts.

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Retrospectives. When Facilitating. Facilitate. Don't Participate.

Code , Leadership , Growth

As a ScrumMaster when you are "running" a retrospective it is easy to fall into the trap of actively participating in it. It is extremely difficult to do this well (if not impossible), because your role should be as a facilitator not a participant. The minute you start participating you are no longer neutral and severely impact your ability to effectively facilitate.

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