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Reminding Yourself Where You Are Going
I generally keep voice memos or written journals around as outlets for my thoughts when I am not regularly able to connect with people to share what is on my mind. I try to purge them into a digital format fairly quickly to prevent clutter. I don't recall why I recorded this segment, but I ran across it today and it made me smile.
Read moreRuby Revolution Rebuttal
In a blog post, Mark Turner has responded to the claim that Ruby is just a bunch of tools by stating that it is actually about making developers happy. I believe that the Ruby community is too focused on creating tools and lacks creativity and true innovation. Regional Ruby events have become more about showcasing tools and less about sharing cutting-edge ideas.
Read moreExplore AZ : August 19th – 21st : Payson, AZ
So back in 2009 I talked about starting ExploreAZ tweetups. I did get the RV out one time in 2010 shortly after that post to Catalina State Park outside of Tucson. After putting some money into the RV and getting it operational again considering starting this back up. So I have booked two trips.
Read moreRuby is Just a Bunch of Tools
I have always liked Unix because of it's mentality that lots of small tools chained together could be more than an opaque larger tool. In this instance. I mean Rubyists are a bunch of Tools not of the useful kind. Maybe Zed is right an Rails is a Ghetto.
Read moreAZ Commerce Authority Full of Wrong Industry
Governer Jan Brewer announced the new AZ Commerce Authority Board today. It is no surprise that it is full of Land Developers, Sports/Tourism and Manufacturing. All industries that were leaders of the OLD economy.
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