It's About People. Companies Saying Right Wage. Wrong Skill Set.
By Derek Neighbors, Published on July 11, 2011
Why do we keep doing 1950 economic development? Capital first, then innovation and then people. Yet, companies wanting to be here say that it's lack of skilled people that keeps them out. What are we doing to invest in people? Keep and attract the best and brightest? Continue Reading
Great Service Requires Constant Attention
By Derek Neighbors, Published on June 16, 2011
I am a fan of great service. When I see it exemplified I try to share it. For example, QuikTrip does a great job #winning. Another company that has always impressed me is Discount Tire. They always greet me right away. They fix my tires for free when repairable. They give me a free air check when my tires are low. All of this even on tires not purchased from them. WOW! They never give me problems when I need tires rotated or tires replaced under warranty that I did purchase from them. Continue Reading